
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Here it is! The last weekend is over ;)

I did it, I packed my stuff but I wasn't happy about it. First I had to cut down on  my shoes and if you know me at all, this is my number one priority. I don't wear too much jewlery. I am not too high of maintenance, but I love my shoes! The boots had to go, I am sorry boots. The thought of wearing my vans a lot of the time makes me sad too but it makes sense.

Then I had to make sure I had enough clothes and this is where I get lazy. It always looks like I have enough and then I forgot to bring the top or whatever. Oh well, guess I get to go shopping.

We cleaned the fish tank today and the fish and their millions of offspring are happy.
Not much left to do but count the days, hours and minutes.

TaTa for now

Thursday, September 27, 2012

6 days and12 hours---I better get moving

Well, we are now on third base sliding into home. Have I packed yet? No, but I have a pile started in the corner on top of the suitcase. I think if I pack it will become real. Every  time I wait like this I forget something important like pants or my coat.

I will not forget to do my nails which is what I am doing today! We found out that we are on the plane with two of my co-workers going over, Brian and John. They are going home after the meetings next week.

Well, kind of boring blog but I have only had one cup of coffee and don't have my caffeine on.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How cute is this?

Okay shopping for Noah has been a blast!

You know how I love my shoes and every man man needs to have a good pair of wheels, so hopefully Noah will find his rhythm in these. We love this boy and yet we have never met him. God bless him and secrectly I hope we can hold him when we arrive.

Duchess of Blogdom

Continuation of last post

I don't know how I earned the title of Duchess of Blogness when I can't even manipulate the blog.

Any who, yes we have dog spray and barrettes but the funest thing was shopping for a newborn, Noah. Photos to follow tonight.


Eight days and counting

I am getting really anxious now. I still haven't really pulled out clothes to see if I have enough. Oh well I am sure I can buy some over there.

I need to go grocery shopping for Sarah. She needs to eat too! I hope she feeds our ever mating fish. We have decided that we will come home to a tank of eyeballs because the fish just keep mating and growing.

Still having trouble with the GPS, it wants to be smarter than me and it is. I am not afraid to say it, thank god we are on an island and can't get too lost!

It is a big world out there depending on your perspective.

Or maybe this is how you see your world:

Here are some more items being asked for:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

To get a gps or not, that is the new question

Well here we are now wondering do we need gps system on the trip? At first I thought isn't that what our maps are for? But after looking at many blogs, we saw how handy it would be. So on to amazon I went like I knew what I was doing. I bought a garmin1370t complete with European maps. Boy am I the cock of the walk. Now I can't even turn it on.

The funny thing is my daughter Megan got to Lord over her techies (me) and has given me my techie name, Duchess of  Blogdom. I am honored. She helped me put the email notification button on the blog. This is so you don't have to look at the blog everyday, you will be sent an email that there. Is a new one.

 Duchess of Blogness signing off for now need to recharge my batteries!

Friday, September 14, 2012

The weekend is here and 18 days to go!

Well, reality is starting to set in and my anxiety is rising. It's great to talk with friends who have been there and tell you of all the places you need to see. My friend Jeff wants me to find graffiti from
Banksy. It is going to be like a scavenger hunt for art.

Paul also let me know we will be collecting stones for our fish tank. Like he said, how many people can say they have rocks from Loch Ness? That is if there is room in the tank. These fish are breeding like rabbits. Anyone one want some baby convict cichlids.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Another 24 hours down-but who's counting

Oh yeah, I am. You believe you have so much time left so what's the hurry? Time, time is what makes you hurry. As I get older time moves faster than I can, kind of like the tortoise and the hare only now I am the tortoise. What a pathetic thought!

I started packing clothes to take that have been accumulating over the last months and a funny phenomenom has developed. I don't like what I bought back then. Where are those darn receipts now?

Work has informed me that I have some wonderful meetings to attend the week we depart. I hope I can focus. I am glad they thought abot our trip when deciding the dates as I love my job.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Richard I hope Paul bought the right ones

Monday minutes (23 days 5 hours 23 minutes and 11 seconds)

It is so exciting as we are starting to plan the journey into everywhere! What is getting frustrating is all of these apps and devices not talking with one another. Is nothing simple? I can't even upload a photo from my Ipad to this blog on my Ipad. WTH.

Okay enough complaing, we put a map on the living room wall and are starting to plot our course. We are looking at a trip over 1400 miles. Once Paul and I have thought out the route we will let you know.

If you had one thing you could not live without while traveling, what would it be? Mine is an iron. It may not look that I always iron but I do. So I bought my new travel iron, wrinkles beware.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hunting and Gathering--no bueno

Ok so last night was supposed to be our shopping night for things still on the list. Well, we went to Walmart and came out with only deoderant for Richard. Not only deodorant but we bought out the store, small price to pay for being guests in someone's home. We forgot about everything else we went for.

Oh well, today is another shopping day.

What is exciting is that we are really going to go to Scotland and maybe as far Loch Ness. I will get that picture of Nessie for Ricarda!

Friday, September 7, 2012

I am so excited to meet Richard Paul's brother. As he will travel with us around England and hopefully so will you. We are off this weekend to hunt and gather our goods to take with us. God I hope these suitcases aren't very heavy as I am a whimp!

26 days 8 hours 14 minutes and 7 seconds till take off

How excited does one get while the clock ticks away? Should you watch the clock or does that impede time? My vacation is almost here after 10 long months. I have never been on a two week vacation nonetheless a vacation without my children.